Challenges facing employment relations, labour law and social protection to reduce poverty, inequality, and unemployment in Africa, in the wake of a global pandemic
26 - 29 September 2021,
South Africa
The world of work and employment relations are being reshaped by crucial developments across the globe; globalisation, protectionism, digitization and the Fourth Industrial revolution (4IR), rising unemployment, inequalities and poverty, and the struggle for decent and sustainable work. The COVID-19 pandemic overlaid with other social, economic and political crises has had unprecedented labour market disruptions and devastating impact on people’s lives, an impact unparalleled in modern history.
- TRACK 1: Collective voice and social dialogue
- TRACK 2: Work, employment relations and labour law in Africa
- TRACK 3: Social protection measures and systems
- TRACK 4: Migrancy in Africa
- TRACK 5: Digitization of work and 4ir
- TRACK 6: Public sector employment relations in africa
- TRACK 7: Gender and work
ILERA 9th Africa Regional Congress 2021, Close Out Report